Friday, November 11, 2011

"THE COMRADES" by Lynne Sears Williams

Netta & TJ gave ★★★ = Amazing

Welcome Lynne to Netta & TJ's Review Spot! We would like to start off with a few questions to help our followers get to know you a little bit. 

To start with, can you tell us a little about yourself?
I was born in Canada and have vivid recollections of how much our family read. One set of grandparents started out with Dr. Seuss books, added Scholastic, and tossed an Encyclopedia Britannica in for good measure. My mother added a book club and countless magazines, while my Dad ordered National Geographic & Scientific American. He read to us every night. Having twins after me rather exhausted my mother. They were insidiously dangerous despite their cherubic smiles. So, we read and went to the library every week. Some books would have been off-limits to other parents, ours encouraged us to read *anything.* We did. I enjoyed telling my elementary school friends about Gone With the Wind, was excited when I read The Godfather and scared to death by Rosemary's Baby.  My favorite photo of my mother is one I took in college. I caught her unaware as she sat on a couch...reading.

What can you tell us about this book?
In a rather strange way this book's story mimics what happens in The Comrades. In my 2nd year of law school, I saw the school playboy with a huge fantasy book. Making certain my wedding ring flashed protective bolts of lightning I asked him how he found time for 'free reading.' Playboy answered if he didn't read something that wasn't law, he'd lose his mind. Incredible; the kid had a plan which didn't include include hitting on me! Armed with knowledge, I went home after school, grabbed the first novel I saw [Tolkien] read for a bit, then fell asleep.  I dreamt about a handsome man, a beautiful woman and *knew* that a grudge meant they would never meet.

Do you plot everything out, from beginning to end, or does it just come to you as you write?
I do not plot; the characters do. Sometimes I am amazed at the things that I didn't see coming. I consider myself to be their scribe. 

What was the hardest part of writing your book?
I was a journalist who never planned to do anything else. At first I could only write dialogue. I began to research, then had to learn how to write dialogue, then edit everything not needed.

What were your feelings when your first saw the cover of the finished product?
It was gorgeous. My publisher had worked with me to find the font I wanted, with a sword as the focal point. My friends who are writers liked it, including Diana Gabaldon. Simple but striking; the sword hilt looks like a cross, which is a reader's first clue that the book will have an undercurrent of Christian themes.

When you are not writing, what do you like to do?
Read, talk, shop. Rinse, repeat.

Do you have a routine before writing?
You bet! I open up the laptop, begin a page and say, "Okay, guys, who's talking today?"

Do you write in your PJ's or do you get dressed and get ready to work?
Every day is different, today I had to go out for a while, so I have respectable clothes on. Some days, pj's.

You can find more about "The Comrades" at Lynn's website

Watch the Trailer


That's 2 winners!

Please comment and indicated if you are USA or International, also when you 
leave a comment please include your email address! 

Lynn will be popping in and answering any questions you may have. 
She will be here for a week! 
Contest Ends Friday November 18th, 2011

Links to purchase the Book or E-Book: Amazon, B&N, ITUNES


  1. I can not wait to read this book, it really sounds interesting...I also like books with some christian themes..I but I can read ebooks better than print..

  2. Also I really enjoyed the trailer!!

  3. I'm glad to hear that, Phyllis because I just lost Netta's copy/paste for Facebook. Netta?

  4. it sounds like a great book .... hope i win LOL cant wait to read it :) i live in the usa

  5. Great interview :) was hoping to hear more about the playboy lol International.


  6. Please include me in your giveaway. I am in the USA.

  7. The 'playboy' was a very short kid who hit on everyone. I do not know why, nor why some of the younger students thought he was delightful. Still, if he had not given me the advice to read something that wasn't law...I wouldn't have written the book.
    So I owe him a debt of gratitude, even if I can't remember his name.

  8. well of course I would love to win but will be happy for anyone who does. I have not read this author but the book sounds interesting and I am always a willing convert :) now that is convert not convict lolol.

  9. Hi Cindy, I'm not a convict either but who knows what I might do? If there's a good book waiting, I might take another look at the issue. *g*

  10. The winners are Mom of Two 2 for Print book, Phyllis & Leanne for E-book ! Thank you for entering the contest and enjoy the read! My thanks to Netta for hosting the contest, I really appreciate it.

  11. Lynne is having a little trouble posting the winners.. she will be posting shortly.. Winner's please email your email/snail mail information to

    Thank you in advance.
